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 Ana Rita Silva 

Hello everyone! I’m Ana Rita and I was born on February 11th 2001, so I’m 18 years old and I’m studying Languages and Foreign Cultures at ESE. I love music and I believe I am a good singer; my favorite genres are pop/rock and soul and one of my favorite singer is Michael Jackson. Besides that, I love to dance. It’s one of my favorite things to do in my spare time. I also quite like to read! Overall, I am a very funny person, despite being stubborn and a nice human being (at least I think so).

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 Catarina Rebelo sousa 

First and foremost: No, I am not related to our President. Yes, my name is Catarina Rebelo de Sousa, but I can assure you I’ve never met Mr Marcelo in my life - in spite of what my friends love to say.  I’m an 18-year-old young woman who enjoys her friends, family and challenges, who is opinionated, happy, loud and who cannot keep her attention focused on something for more than 10 seconds. I’m also now in the works of making it through college so I can reach my second season of being grown-ish: reaching my dreams.

 cristiana baptista 

I pondered a lot before I started writing this text because I truly believe it’s hard to describe ourselves in such a short amount of words; and it’s even harder when we can’t even think of what to say about ourselves. However I came to a conclusion, I should start by saying that I am very thoughtful in every decision I make and that’s how I got to where I am right now: studying at ESE. I’m an 18-year old Portuguese girl studying Languages and Foreign Cultures, eager to learn more, to discover more and to share my knowledge with other people.


 JOANA vieira da ROCHA 

People usually call me Joana. My ID says I’m 21 years old and I’m a Portuguese undergrad studying Languages and Foreign Cultures in ESE. If you asked me to describe myself in two words I would probably say it’s impossible – maybe even paradoxical. I have a lot of ideas, a lot of opinions and I’m glad I’m here to express them. Don’t get too comfortable, though – it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride it will be to see us make up a whole new life.

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